In 2018 I became a founding partner as the Director of Marketing creating Wisconsin’s first brick and mortar cannabis retail brand. In anticipation for the legalization of hemp oil production and sales in Wisconsin, we knew we were entering into a competitive, confusing and cluttered industry.

Our bootstrap startup faced many challenges, many unique to the industry, but where others were trying to cash in on a trend, our success came from a sincere commitment to bettering our community and the people we serve. Today, the brand is proudly celebrated within its community and is expanding into new, exciting ventures.






Building Trust

We knew that education and bespoke solutions were going to be the difference for a new brand in an emerging industry. Where others went digital, we invested in a retail space; a place to learn, discover, commune and build relationships which gave consumers confidence in our proudly Wisconsin-made products.




“Create a Vibe”

Canni’s goal is to help people reach their creative potential and chase more fulfilling lives. The belief is that everyone is a creative even if they aren’t an “artist”. Through products, space, and culture, the brand embodies this creative lifestyle; pursuing inspiration, creating a powerful atmosphere, opening yourself to new experiences.




An Experience Brand

Canni is so full of experience that it overflows the store. From running Wisconsin’s first ever Cannabis industry festival “Canni Fest” (shoutout to Stephen Colbert for the random feature), to the CanniBus that tours the city, the renovation of the store’s backyard to become an event space, the dozens of festivals visited and the dozens of events hosted each year, Canni is extremely active in the community, hard to miss and always showing up in new and interesting ways.



The Result


#1 searched cannabis brand in Milwaukee

1st cannabis retail boutique in Wisconsin

17 cannabis products created

1st cannabis industry and trade event in Wisconsin


there is more where that came from

Take a peek below for even more unforgettable work.